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Franciscan Viacrucis Route

We can still see several crosses that indicated the stations of the Via Sacra: We started at the old Monastery of San Bernardino, the "Cruz del Santito" at Calle Amargura 8, "Cruz de los valientes" at Calle Amargura corner with Cuevas (named after be a place where men stayed to challenge each other), Cruz in Calvario 3 street, Cruz-azulejo in Calvario 14 street and Ermita del Calvario.

Viacrucis Route

The Via Crucis refers to the passage of the life of Jesus Christ that goes from the time he is interrogated and condemned by Pontius Pilate until his crucifixion and death on Mount Calvary (in Jerusalem). Between both places there is a physical distance, route or route that in Jerusalem has been identified with a series of streets or places that receive the name of "Via Dolorosa"

The year was 1518 when Don Fadrique Enríquez de Ribera, Spanish nobleman, Marquis of Tarifa and Mayor of Andalusia, began a pilgrimage route from Bornos to Jerusalem. Once there, count the steps of the Via Dolorosa, 1,321 steps or 997 meters, the same distance from the Palace of Pontius Pilate to Mount Calvario. On his return to Bornos, he calculated the same distance from the gate of the Hieronymite Monastery of Santa María del Rosario to a point where he built a shrine which he called Cruz de Esperilla.

In this way, Don Fadrique Enríquez de Ribera manages to represent a closer and more accessible Via Dolorosa without the need to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This Via Crucis was also carried out simultaneously in his House in Seville (Casa de Pilatos) to the Temple of the Cruz del Campo. In both routes (Bornos and Seville) the distance is somewhat greater than in the original Via Crucis in Jerusalem. We do not know the date on which the tradition of the Via Crucis to the Temple ceased to take place in Bornos, but the writer Doña Frasquita Larrea tells us in her travel book about her attendance at a traditional pilgrimage there on May 4, 1826. The road was lined with crosses and portable altars that marked the different stations. This Route was the origin of one of the most characteristic acts of Holy Week in Spain. Seville and Bornos were the first places where the penitential stations were established, being considered, by many historians, as precursors of the current Holy Week.

Click here for Map of the route

Contact us

Contact the Bornos and Coto de Bornos Tourist Office.

If you have any questions you can contact us using this form or call us at 956 72 82 64 / 956 71 20 11 extension 15 during business hours.


Are you a group and are you thinking of spending the day in Bornos?

Bornos is perfect for you because you have the chance to have a great time doing a lot of activities that we have prepared for you.

From water sports, hiking, cycling, guided tours, and group games such as archery, zip line, competitions. Leave everything in our hands and we will organize a super fun day for you.

In addition, you will enjoy special prices for groups. Ask us and we will solve all your doubts.
Also, at lunchtime, there are restaurants that offer menus with special prices for you.

Do not hesitate, contact us and enjoy...!!




If you are a school, scouts, youth association and you want to do a lot of fun activities, pay attention to everything we have prepared for you. Guaranteed fun!!




You are no longer children but you love to enjoy in a group. Come on, we'll have a great time!!




If you are a heterogeneous group we have activities for all tastes, ages and abilities. Do you sign up?


Agrotourism and crafts

Combine the enjoyment of free time and nature with respect for nature, the use of natural resources, support for agricultural communities and their way of life, etc. Come and discover the rural way of life.

Do not hesitate, call us!

Become a farmer for a day

Learn how animals live in the field. Discover everything about the sheep, horses, rabbits and even collect the eggs of the chickens.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here

Artisan sausage production workshop

Learn how the artisan elaboration of sausages is carried out and collaborate in the process. You will be able to taste some of the varieties that you have elaborated.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here

Organic garden workshop

Would you like to learn how to plant lettuce, potatoes, harvest vegetables, planting season or crop diseases?

In full contact with nature.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here

Pottery workshop

Learn how different ceramic crafts are made. Have fun drawing it to your liking and take it as a souvenir.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here

Traditional gastronomy workshop

Enjoy learning to cook the traditional stews of the area such as "Abajao" or "Berza" from highly experienced professional chefs. Later tasting.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here


If you want to know the crafts of Bornos, call us and we will inform you about where to buy it and the workshops that are given to learn it.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here

Bread making workshop

Learn to make the richest and most traditional pieces of bread. Take the piece you have made.

Find out Contact the Tourist Office here

Archaeological Tourism

If you love archeology this is your site. Bornos has several archaeological sites. The Carissa Aurelia site stands out, just 3 km away. to West.

Carissa became an important Roman city. According to Pliny, we know that Carissa had, within the Roman administrative system, the category of Municipality, which means that its traditional administrative and legal organization was respected, although it was dependent on the Governor of Bética.

Later, during the government of Vespasian, the right of citizenship was extended throughout this territory, leaving Carissa as a Municipality to become "Cives romani" which gave it the privilege of minting money.



The Carissa Aurelia site is a few kilometers away. Ask us for your visit.




Here's a map so you don't miss anything on your visit to Carissa Aurelia. Ask us if you need a specialized guide.