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Coto de Bornos

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  • isa sanchez diciemb 21
  • coto por juanma bazan
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  • coto
  • coto1
  • coto3
  • isa sanchez diciemb 21
  • coto por juanma bazan
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A few kilometers from Bornos (approx. 4 km), we can enjoy this beautiful hamlet where today some 1000 people live, dedicated mainly to agriculture and cattle raising.

This beautiful place is ideal for resting in a purely rural and quiet environment, fully enjoying its traditional gastronomy and customs.

Its proximity to the Natural Area "Cola del Embalse de Bornos" means that we can enjoy some trails with natural charm, very suitable for bird watching and flora and fauna of exceptional beauty.

Coto de Bornos gains presence in the mountains due to the originality and staging of its festivities, in which all its inhabitants turn.

The Burning of Judas stands out, as punishment for the betrayer of Jesus Christ, and the tradition of the Búcaro de la Suerte.

On Holy Saturday, the Burning of Judas is celebrated. Gone will be the procession on Holy Tuesday of the Brotherhood of Cristo del Buen Amor and Ntra. Sra. De la Aurora. While waiting for the Resurrection of Jesus, Coto de Bornos punishes his traitor by setting fire to the Judas that are made for this occasion.

The party will continue, with musical performances, until the wee hours of the morning with the tradition of the Búcaro de la Suerte: each sip of liquor will be accompanied by a wish request.

From the Pilgrimage to the Fair

In the month of May, Coto de Bornos celebrates the Pilgrimage of San Isidro Labrador, patron saint of the countryside. The image of the saint, accompanied by dozens of floats, horses and pilgrims on foot, goes in a procession to the 'Las Pitas' farm, where all the pilgrims enjoy a country meal and a lively day spent together with a group of rumbas and sevillanas. But the party starts a day earlier. On the night from Saturday to Sunday, an orchestra entertains the evening and, after a festive early morning, the town wakes up to start its tour. In the afternoon they return home, that is, to the church of San Juan de Ribera, where a Rociera Mass is officiated. At its end, the float contest, organized by said municipal delegation, is decided to reward those who have presented a better and adequate decoration. Coinciding with the last weekend of the month of August, Coto de Bornos lives its Fair. Taken from the ancient tradition, cattle competitions are especially important in a population like this where the main source of wealth is the agricultural sector. Popular games, musical performances, clown galas, soccer trophies and a sevillanas contest usually make up the program of events.