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Empresa de alquiler de hidropedales, kayaks. También realizan rutas de senderismo, multiaventuras,etc.

Para alquiler o más información

Contacta aquí con Náyade

Arcos lake activities

Arcos lake activities

Practica un montón de deportes de vela, incluido el katesurf.

Para alquiler o ampliar información

Contacta aquí con Arcos lake activities

Club deportivo de vela Lago de Bornos

Club deportivo de vela Lago de Bornos

Water sports companies

What companies offer it? Do you need to ask us something about this topic? Contact the Tourist Office here



Empresa de alquiler de hidropedales, kayaks. También realizan rutas de senderismo, multiaventuras,etc.

Para alquiler o más información

Contacta aquí con Náyade

Arcos lake activities

Arcos lake activities

Practica un montón de deportes de vela, incluido el katesurf.

Para alquiler o ampliar información

Contacta aquí con Arcos lake activities

Club deportivo de vela Lago de Bornos

Club deportivo de vela Lago de Bornos

Aerial sports companies

Who can I contract with?

Centro de actividades turísticas. CAT

Centro de actividades turísticas. CAT

We are in Paseo Fluvial Pepe Duarte.

Teléfono +34 617 490 500

Correo This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Arcos lake activities

Arcos lake activities

If you want to practice some air sports such as hot air ballooning, katesurfing, etc.

Contact here with Arcos lake activities

Molino del arco

This mill is part of a series of hydraulic constructions of the "Ribera de los Molinos" that were made up of at least 10 mills built in the 16th century, including some of Arab origin and that supplied water to the entire town and the abundant orchards of Bornos.

This building, popularly known as Molino Ancho, is one of the best-preserved sections of the short cut and corresponds to the Molino del Arco lieva. You can see the bricks with which it is floored inside and the magnificent buttresses. The lieva is the architectural resource that allows sufficient unevenness to provide an adequate height for the vertical fall of the water into the bucket and that of this mill has been built by means of two very unique large arches, with buttresses. The spillway or quebradero is the gate to regulate the entry of flow into the bucket, and in this mill the accumulation of limestone concretions is striking, which could be a sign of the centuries that it was working.

Casa de la Cilla.Noble house

Tithes for the church were deposited in it. The pink facade stands out in its conservation with a stone doorway topped by the symbols of the Diocese of Seville: "the Giralda and the lilies".

Dated in 1781. It is currently private property. Its interior has been rebuilt and turned into a luxurious and comfortable home.

Iglesia de la resurrección

In the 16th century, Don Diego Álvarez, a resident of Bornos, ordered in his will the creation of a house-hospital for the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and a Church.

The temple, which is the only thing left of the old hospital, appears covered by an extraordinary Mudejar coffered ceiling. It also preserves a golden Baroque-style altarpiece with a niche and Solomonic columns.

The image of the Christ of the Flagellation stands out, dating from around the 17th century and the oil painting of the Virgen de los Dolores received by the Seven Holy Servite Founders.


Monday to Friday
10:00 - 13:00
Weekend only outside.