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This website has been designed and carried out with the aim of adapting to the accessibility criteria set by current legislation and in order to facilitate access to its contents to the greatest number of people, especially those who have some type of disability. .

To ensure this objective, the guidelines established in the WCAG 1.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, version 1.0) established by the WAI (Web Accessibility Initiative) working group of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), level AA, have been followed.

The recommendations and standards established by the W3C have been followed, especially those referring to the use of the XHTML 1.0 language and style sheets (CSS 2), which guarantees compatibility between the different versions of web browsers by separating the structure of the pages of your content.

Among the different accessibility features, it is worth mentioning that a person can change the size of the text, disable visual styles or navigate with a screen reader.


Multimedia content

In some cases, to complete the information on the portal, content from other portals (YouTube, Google Maps, etc.) has been embedded, the accessibility of which does not depend on the owner of the website, but on the portal that generates said content.

In other cases, some pages have content available in different presentation formats. To access said content, we have chosen to use standard tools and free connectors.

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